Presenting & Publishing

Case Study Presentation: How To

Interested in presenting at the AAEVT Annual Convention?

Members of the AAEVT are invited to submit Case Studies for consideration for presentation during the AAEVT Annual Convention in December.
All final case studies must be submitted by October 1 and adhere to the following Instructions for Presenters.

What is a “Case Study”?

A case study examines a specific medical event, modality, or procedure in order to communicate the practice, outcomes, trends, and means for understanding an important and unique medical case with greater clarity. Case studies presentations are to inform and educate peers and industry professionals on the details and outcomes of unique and interesting cases.

Some questions that may help you to identify a case for study may be:

  • Does the case represent an unusual or atypical method or procedure?
  • Does the case provide important insight for a common problem seen in practice?
  • Does the case challenge and offer a counter-point to prevailing practices?

Important dates for submitting your Case Study

We must adhere to a strict timeline so that event schedules, room times, and printing deadlines may be met:

  1. Letters of Intent must be submitted to the AAEVT President-Elect, by June 15.
    This Letter should also include both a Summary and an Outline of the proposed case study.
  2. A review of your Letter of Intent (and Summary & Outline) will be carried out by the AAEVT Executive Board.
    You will be notified by June 30, if your case study has been considered for presentation at the Annual Convention.
  3. A Rough Draft of your case study presentation must be submitted to the AAEVT President-Elect by July 1.
  4. The Final Letter of Acceptance for those participants who have had their papers selected for presentation will go out on July 15.
  5. Deadline for submitting final Case Study for presentation & publication is October 1.

A Few Key Points

These are items that will be taken into consideration when the peer review is conducted:

  • Presenters must have been directly involved in the case being presented, not just as an observer.
  • Letters of Intent and Final Case Studies (including pictures, charts, etc.) must be approved by both the attending DVM and horse owner(s).
  • Case Study Presentations are limited to 20 minutes and must be able to be presented within that time allowance.
  • Selected case studies will be printed in the AAEVT Annual Conference Proceedings and presented at the 2020 Annual Convention. Presenters will receive a Speaker Honorarium.

Ethical Considerations

These items will also be taken into consideration when the peer review is conducted:

  • Presenters are expected to take all precautions to protect the privacy of the patient and owners.
  • If your presentation references the use of a compounded pharmaceutical, please be certain that you are familiar with the FDA guidelines on the use of compounded pharmaceuticals and that the product you reference is in compliance.

Have additional questions?

If you have any questions regarding preparing and submitting papers, contact the AAEVT President-Elect.
We are here to help you put your best presentation forward!

Publishing an Article: How to

If you have an interesting experience to share, research that you’ve done or been a part of, and/or an article that you have written, the AAEVT has numerous connections with Equine-focused media outlets for getting your story out there!

The general process for getting your article to publication is:

  1. Submit your write-up to the AAEVT Executive Board for peer review
    The purpose and significance of the peer review is to assess and manage the quality of publications in industry journals.
  2. Editor introductions
    We will put you in touch with an editor(s) of an established outlet and they will work with you on polishing and editing your content. This process can sometimes take a few weeks.
  3. Publication
    After reviewing and editing, lots of back-and-forth to get your story just right, it is now time to see it in print (or digitally) in a widely received magazine or other publication!
Opportunities to be a Presenter

Are you ready to add “Speaker” to your resume?

We are frequently asked by numerous Organizations if we have an AAEVT Member who would like to present an Equine-focused topic at their meeting, symposium, or conference. Do you have a unique, interesting, and industry relevant story to share that would advance the promotion of the health and welfare of the horse or advocate for your industry peers?

If you have a presentation or article ready, please reach out to the AAEVT Executive Director. We will then put you in contact with the organizing body and/or coordinator of the event. Note, while some events will offer a “speaker honorarium” or some other compensation for your time and effort, many of these opportunities are just that…an opportunity to get your name, face, and passionate interest out there!